Imagine Living Your Fullest Everyday … Outdoors!
You live in Florida to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle. You’ve got a beautiful yard, or a beautiful view, and you want to be able to enjoy it year-round. But when you ask “Do you want to sit inside or outside?”, more times than not, the answer will be “Inside .. it’s too hot out there!”
That’s where LYFE’s Ventizio line of patio cooling products comes into play, making all the difference between indoor and outdoor living. Our patented TurboCool™ systems truly turn your scorching hot patio or lanai into a personal oasis that you, your family and your guests can enjoy every day!

Technology that Enhances your Lifestyle
Our TurboCool products are customizable to fit every lifestyle and budget. During new construction, we can provide recessed installation for a seamless cooling solution. If you prefer the traditional wall-mounted TurboCool cabinets, the innovative ceiling mounted (CF Series) or even something standalone such as our CoolRox™, you can be assured that we have the cooling solution for your specific needs.
Ready for the Ventizio System Installation?
Contact us today for the initial consultation